Carnegie Mellon University

School of Music

Where artistry and innovation share center stage

Double Major Information

Undergraduates can apply to up to two colleges or schools of study within the university on their Common Application. However, admitted students will need to choose a home college or school when they enroll.

Many music students are successful in adding a second major or dual degree, but typically begin in the School of Music due to the sequential nature of the course work. Students interested in adding a second major or dual degree should approach the advising office in their home college as well as their intended second major/degree.

Adding a second major means that ultimately the student receives one degree from their home college but has taken 90 units of course work in their second major.  Pursuing a dual degree means that ultimately the student will receive two separate degrees.

Certain degree combinations can extend a student’s time at Carnegie Mellon.

Many students are successful in pursuing professional course work in a second area of study without adding a second major or dual degree. The Health Professions Program  is one example of this route.

In addition to dual degrees, Carnegie Mellon also offers interdisciplinary degrees, know as BXA. To be considered for the BXA programs, select the College of Fine Arts school that you wish to apply. You'll then be asked if you’d like to be considered for a BXA program and note your interest in either the Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts (BCSA), Bachelor of Humanities and Arts (BHA) or Bachelor of Science and Arts (BSA.) Applicants will be considered for both the fine arts school as well as the specific BXA program indicated as part of the admission process. Students selected for the BXA programs will receive notification in their admission decision letter. Visit the Interdisciplinary Degrees page for more information on the BXA program as well as the five year collaborative/accelerated program with the Master of Arts Management program in the Heinz College.

For more information on dual degrees or second majors, please contact the Office of Recruitment & Enrollment by email at or phone at 412.268.4118.